2023 International Conference on Computer Engineering and Distance Learning (CEDL 2023)


Yan Yang is a professor, doctoral supervisor, academic and technical leader of Sichuan Province, head of the national first-class undergraduate program "Computer Science and Technology", deputy dean of the School of Computer and Artificial Intelligence, and deputy director of the Key Laboratory of Cloud Computing and Intelligent Technology in Sichuan Province. She is a visiting scholar at the University of Waterloo, Canada. Hermain research interests are artificial intelligence, big data analysis and mining, integrated learning and multi-view learning, cloud computing and cloud services.

In recent years, she has hosted and undertaken more than 10 science and technology projects, including hosting three projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), the National Science and Technology Support Program (NSTSP), the main research project of NSFC and the National Key R&D Program. He has published more than 230 academic papers in international journals such as IEEE TKDE, IEEE TEC, IEEE TC, IEEE TCC, and domestic journals such as Journal of Software, Journal of Computer Research and Development, Journal of Automation or international conferences such as IJCAI, ICDM, EMNLP, etc. (1 of the 100 most influential international academic papers in China in 2021, 2 ESI hot papers He has edited one international journal album and one international conference proceedings, and applied for/received more than 10 authorized invention patents. She has been invited to give more than 10 invited presentations at international conferences or domestic conferences, and served as the conference chair, program committee chair or organizing committee chair of several international conferences, and served as the editorial board member of the international journal "Big Data Mining and Analytics". Shehas served as an expert of the National Natural Science Award, Science and Technology Progress Award and Technology Invention Award. He received the special award of Zhan Tianyou Railway Science and Technology Award and the First Prize of Sichuan Computer Science and Technology.

She has taught data structure, operating system, operating system analysis and design, introduction to the frontiers of computer science, pattern recognition, artificial intelligence and machine semester and other undergraduate or postgraduate courses, and is in charge of the Sichuan Provincial Excellence Course "Operating System". He has published more than 20 papers on teaching and reform, edited 2 textbooks, and won the second prize of Sichuan Higher Education Teaching Achievement and the first prize of university-level teaching achievement.

She is a distinguished member of Chinese Computer Society (CCF), senior member of Chinese Artificial Intelligence Society (CAAI), member of IEEE and ACM, member of CCF Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition Committee, member of CCF Theoretical Computer Science Committee, member of CCF Big Data Expert Committee, member of CCF Education Committee, member of CAAI Machine Learning Committee, member of CAAI Granular Computing and Knowledge Discovery Committee. Sheis a member of CAAI Machine Learning Committee and CAAI Granular Computing and Knowledge Discovery Committee. Sheis the vice chairman of ACM Chengdu Chapter, the director of ACM SIGCSE China Chapter, the vice chairman of Sichuan Computer Society, the vice director of Big Data Industry-Academia-Research Committee of Sichuan Electronics Society, the executive director of Sichuan Artificial Intelligence Alliance, and the director of Sichuan Artificial Intelligence Society.

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 Prof. Yan Yang

Southwest Jiaotong University, China


Prof. Giancarlo Fortino

IEEE Fellow

University of Calabria, Italy

Giancarlo Fortino (IEEE Fellow 2022) is Full Professor of Computer Engineering at the Dept of Informatics, Modeling, Electronics, and Systems of the University of Calabria (Unical), Italy. He received a PhD in Computer Engineering from Unical in 2000. He is also distinguished professor at Wuhan University of Technology and Huazhong Agricultural University (China), high-end expert at HUST (China), senior research fellow at the Italian ICAR-CNR Institute, CAS PIFI visiting scientist at SIAT – Shenzhen, and Distinguished Lecturer for IEEE Sensors Council. At Unical, he is the Rector’s delegate to Int’l relations, the chair of the PhD School in ICT, the director of the Postgraduate Master course in INTER-IoT, and the director of the SPEME lab as well as co-chair of Joint labs on IoT established between Unical and WUT, SMU and HZAU Chinese universities, respectively. Fortino is currently the scientific responsible of the Digital Health group of the Italian CINI National Laboratory at Unical. He is Highly Cited Researcher 2020 and 2021 in Computer Science by Clarivate. Currently he has 19 highly cited papers in WoS, and h-index=67 with 16300+ citations in Google Scholar. His research interests include wearable computing systems, e-Health, Internet of Things, and agent-based computing. He is author of 550+ papers in int’l journals, conferences and books. He is (founding) series editor of IEEE Press Book Series on Human-Machine Systems and EiC of Springer Internet of Things series and AE of premier int'l journals such as IEEE TAFFC-CS, IEEE THMS, IEEE T-AI, IEEE IoTJ, IEEE SJ, IEEE JBHI, IEEE SMCM, IEEE OJEMB, IEEE OJCS, Information Fusion, JNCA, EAAI, etc. He chaired many int’l workshops and conferences (120+), was involved in a huge number of int’l conferences/workshops (500+) as IPC member, is/was guest-editor of many special issues (75+). He is cofounder and CEO of SenSysCal S.r.l., a Unical spinoff focused on innovative IoT systems, and recently cofounder and vice-CEO of the spin-off Bigtech S.r.l, focused on big data, AI and IoT technologies. Fortino is currently member of the IEEE SMCS BoG and of the IEEE Press BoG, and chair of the IEEE SMCS Italian Chapter.

Director of Intelligent Information Processing Laboratory in Shenyang Normal University. President of Software College, Shenyang Normal University. Editors-in-Chief of International Journal of Imaging and Sensing Technologies and Applications (IJISTA). Lead Guest editor of SN Applied Sciences (indexed by EI and ESCI).

Prof. Dr. Hang Li is a Professor and master supervisor in the Software College, Shenyang Normal University. His research interests include Software Engineering, AI, Cloud Computing, Network Security, Network Protocol Design and Verification, Distributed Systems, cloud and edge computing, blockchain, Image processing. He is the president of Software College, Shenyang Normal University. He is the director of Intelligent Information Processing Laboratory. His research has been funded by NSFC, and Provincial Natural Science Foundation. He is a Senior Member of CCF, a member of IEEE. He had published more than 50 papers related to the research area. He had been awarded by Outstanding Young Backbone Teacher of Colleges and Universities in Liaoning Province (Education Department of Liaoning province 200612225), Second prize of National Defense Science and Technology Award of Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense (Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense 2005GFJ2126-6), First Prize of Science and Technology Award of China North Industries Group (China North Industries Group 2005-BQJ-1-0019-6).


 Prof. Dr. Hang Li  

 Shenyang Normal University, China 

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Bastian Tenbergen

State University of New York at Oswego

Bastian Tenbergen is an Associate Professor of Software Engineering at the State University of New York at Oswego (USA). His research is concerned with conceptual modeling, context engineering, requirements engineering, and safety engineering of software-intensive autonomous safety-critical systems as well as software engineering education. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Cognitive Science from the University of Osnabrück (Germany), a Master of Arts in Human Computer Interaction from SUNY Oswego (USA), and a PhD in Software Engineering from the University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany). Dr. Tenbergen has over 15 years of research experience and has been involved with several publicly funded research projects with industry cooperation. He has contributed to several books and is (co-) author of numerous peer-reviewed articles in his field. Dr. Tenbergen serves on the programming and editorial boards of several top-ranked journals and conferences. He has co-organized many professional events, conferences, and workshops. He can be reached at bastian.